Andrew Garfield is a British-American actor, born in America and raised in England. He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for his role in Hacksaw Ridge (2016), and played the part of Peter Parker twice in two Amazing Spider-Man films. Garfield also had a notable role in The Social Network (2010).
Born on August 20, 1983 in Los Angeles, his middle name is Russell. His birth sign is Leo.
Andrew described himself as an “agnostic pantheist”. When asked to elaborate on what he means, the actor said:
“[It’s about] finding God in all things…in the tree that was cut down to make this table. You know, suddenly everything becomes a miracle. I just love that. I think that’s such a wonderful way to see the world; a beautiful way to see the world.” (1)
While filming the Martin Scorsese period movie Silence in 2016, Garfield learned a lot about Christianity to prepare for his role as a Jesuit priest. Andrew described his learning of Christ as a “very personal journey for me.”
Elaborating further, Andrew explained, “What was really easy was falling in love with this person, was falling in love with Jesus Christ. That was the most surprising thing …That was the most remarkable thing—falling in love, and how easy it was to fall in love with Jesus.” (2)
Garfield sounds like he is liberal with his politics.
During his acceptance speech for a best actor Tony award in 2018, Garfield said that he felt the Trump administration was “the antithesis of the value system of this play and the antithesis of the value system of the theater [and] of the arts.” Doesn’t sound like someone who would wear a Make America Great Again hat, does it? (3)
Andrew also spoke about believing “theater has to be political” before the awards ceremony:
Photo by Gerard Geronimo. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 International License.
1: Pantheism
2: CBN News
3: Vanity Fair