James Marsden is an American actor, singer and former model for Versace. His career began with several guest starring roles on television shows and a breakout film role as Cyclops in the Xmen series. Marsden was born and raised in Stillwater, Oklaoma to a nutritionist and an animal sciences professor. He attended Oklahoma State University and studied broadcast journalism, but dropped out after just a year and a half to pursue a career in acting. He moved to Los Angeles after meeting Kirk Cameron and his sister on a family vacation in Hawaii when the pair invited him to visit them in LA.
Marsden is a Roman Catholic. He was born in Stillwater, Oklahoma to a very religious family. His mother Kathleen Scholtz and his father James Luther Marsden are both Roman Catholic. It appears that he is still religious and still holds the same faith.
As for political views, James seems to be staying away from politics, like many other actors do. But taking in consideration his beliefs and opinions that he shares on things, he can most likely be considered a liberal.
Unfortunately nothing is known about his hobbies and interests outside of acting. James does not use social media either so there isn’t really any sort of insight.
James Mardsen has been dating Edei (Emma Deigman). She has been a British singer since 2016. He was previously married to Mary Elizabeth Linde for 11 years. Together they had two children.
James’ height is is 5’10”. He has a few nicknames including “Bello Jimmy” and “J.P”. He chooses to fly coach instead of first class to teach his children that he isn’t special for what he does, but for who he is as a person.