Mark Cuban is an American businessman and investor. Aside from his many business ventures, he is also the proud owner of NBA’s Dallas Mavericks and is a celebrity judge on the hit TV show Shark Tank. He first ventured into the digital field when he started his consulting business Micros Solutions. But it was with his second digital startup,, that he finally hit the jackpot. was sold to Yahoo! for $5.7 billion.
Mark was raised Jewish and so were both of his parents. Since his mother was Jewish, according to the religion, that makes him Jewish as well. It doesn’t seem that he’s still activiely engaged in Judiasm though, as he doesn’t mention being active in the religious community.
Mark absolutely loves basketball and sports. He loves basketball so much that he decided to become the owner of the Dallas Maveriks, an NBA team.
Mark is a currently a moderate Democrat. He is conservative fiscally but has more progressive social views. He wants to be a part of the Republican party but believes it needs to change socially before he can. He is endorsing Hillary Clinton for the 2016 elections and has even said he’d be willing to be considered as a vice presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.
Mark Cuban has been married to Tiffany Stewart since 2002. They’ve been together for 14 years and have three beautiful children — Alexis Sofia, Alyssa and Jake.
At the age of 12, he started selling garbage bags so he could save up for expensive basketball shoes. He became a stamp and coin salesman during his high school years. During his undergraduate days, he managed to pool in $15,000 to buy a bar, which eventually became the most successful student bar in town. His professor said it was the first time one of his students started a business while still in school. He also started to give dance lessons to children to help pay for his tuition fees.
He made it to the Guinness Book of Records in 1999 when he made the largest single e-commerce transaction. This was when he bought the Gulfstream V business jet for $40 million.
Mark founded the Fallen Patriot Fund to help families of soldiers who died during the Iraq war.