• Olivia Wilde

    Last updated: October 30, 2016

    Olivia Wilde is an Irish-American actress. Besides acting, she also is a producer, director, model, entrepreneur and even activist. Most people know her for her role as Dr. Remy Hadley ‘Thirteen’ in the 2007-12 TV series House. Her first major appearance was in The Girl Next Door (2004). She has also appeared in Tron: Legacy, Cowboys & Aliens, Drinking Buddies, and Rush. Her latest big screen involvement was in Vinyl, a 2016 HBO drama series. Her interest in acting began at an early age. She even declined her admission to Bard College three times, seeking a school where she could grow her acting career. Gaiety School of Acting, located in Dublin, became her final choice.

    olivia wilde religion hobbies views

    Olivia Wilde Religion

    Olivia was born and raised a Christian. However, it appears that she no longer practices her faith as an adult. She was seen wearing a “Love is my religion” t-shirt when she appeared at a Los Angeles community center in 2013. The same type of shirt has been worn by other actors and actresses to act as a religious statement.

    Olivia Wilde Political views

    Olivia has been enthusiastic about the 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. She has called out people for being sexist on the campaign trail and has taken a bashing from Trump supporters. In previous years, she expressed her support for Barack Obama. It’s pretty safe to assume that she is a Democrat.

    Olivia Wilde Hobbies

    Olivia says her job as an actor is her passion and hobby. But she does enjoy a good game of Chess or reading when she can get some time to herself.

    Who is she dating?

    She first got married at 19, in a secret event, to Italian prince Tao Ruspoli. The marriage lasted from 2003 to 2011, until the two got a divorce. Olivia then started dating actor Jason Sudeikis in 2011. They are engaged and had a son in 2014. Two years later they added to the family with a daughter. Surprisingly enough, their daughter was almost born in a tunnel on the way to a Beyonce concert.

    Random Facts

    Olivia changed her surname to Wilde in High School, after taking part in an Oscar Wilde play. Her first marriage was officiated on a school bus, with just two witnesses present!


