Pete Carroll is an American football coach. Currently he serves as head coach for the Seattle Seahawks of the NFL. In the past he’s coached for the New York Jets, the New England Patriots and the USC Trojans. He’s one of three coaches who’ve won both a Super Bowl and a college football championship. Carroll’s the oldest head coach working in the NFL.
One to rarely talk about religion, Pete Carrol’s beliefs can be found on page 55 of his book, Win Forever: Live, Work, and Play like a Champion. Pete says that he is a “blend of Methodist-Episcopal with Zoroastrianism”. Because of his faith, he refuses to eat poultry and shellfish from the same plate.
Carroll is a fan of water sports, often training surfing and paddle boarding. He’s got a home in Southern California where he goes when not working to enjoy both sports.
The coach doesn’t talk about politics much but seems to be at least socially liberal. He’s pro gay rights and is very involved in charity, having organized projects and events to help kids in bad situations.
Carrol is married to former volleyball player Glena, with whom he has three children, Brennan, Jaime and Nathan. Through Brennan they have a grandchild named Dillon Brennan Carroll.
The coach is known for pranking his players. Raheem Brock, one of his players, was once arrested for not paying a $27 bill. Richard Sherman, another player, tells the prank following his colleague’s hiccup with the law. “We’re in a team meeting, and in team meetings he always gets somebody. We’re going about our meeting regularly, status quo, no one’s thinking anything. And then the police just walk in through the back door, and everyone’s like, ‘What the hell is going on?’ They were real police officers! And then Pete goes, ‘Raheem, do you have something to tell us?” Everything, of course, arranged by Pete Carroll.