Peter Dinklage is an American actor best known for his role as Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones. He has received both an Emmy and the Golden Globe Award. Peter is 4 foot 5 and uses the term “dwarf” to describe himself. He tries to avoid roles that make fun of his height and just wants to be considered as a normal actor.
Peter loves animals, gardening, and spending time with his daughter. He loves music and was even in a band when he was younger. He enjoys acting and loves knowing that people appreciate his work.
Peter was raised as a Catholic and went to high school at a Catholic prep school for boys. It appears that he no longer follows his Catholic faith as he has said things that closer align to atheism. He believes that “doubt rather than belief is in greater need today”. He appears to be very skeptical of religion.
Peter tends to lean more liberal as a Democrat. He lives in Manhattan, New York, which is a very liberal part of the country. He is very compassionate about animals and animal’s rights as well which would also suggest his liberal tendencies.
Peter Dinklage is now married to Eric Schmidt. They gave birth to their daughter in 2011. They are very private about her and have not even revealed her name. Rumors say that it is Zelig but that could merely be hearsay. They currently live in Manhattan New York.
Peter appears to prefer the treadmill and using free weights. One time before the 2012 Emmys, he was spotted working out hours before.
Peter has been a vegetarian ever since the age of 16. He is an avid supporter of animal rights and supports Farm Sanctuary, a shelter for farm animals.
Peter Dinklage had a part in Seinfeld as the wakeup call guy, James. You can watch the scene below: