• Stan Lee

    Last updated: November 12, 2018

    Stan Lee was the face of Marvel Comics and one of the greatest comic book creators. During his long eight decade career Lee was a writer, movie executive producer, publisher and the occasional actor.

    Born Stanley Martin Lieber on December 28, 1922, Stan shortened his name when he began working for his uncle’s comic book company in 1939. At first Stan started out refilling the ink bottles of artists but soon he began doing editorial duties before eventually writing his first superhero story in 1941.

    Stan is credited as a co-creator of many significant Marvel superheroes including the Hulk, the X-Men, Captain America, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Doctor Strange and his most well-known creation, Spider-Man.

    Lee passed away at the age of 95 on November 11, 2018 in Los Angeles.

    Stan Lee his politics religion faith

    Stan Lee Religion

    Lee’s working class parents were Romanian immigrants that settled in Manhattan. Their family religion was Jewish.

    Our investigation into Lee’s faith showed that he doesn’t appear to be practicing Judaism or any other denomination. When asked in 2002 if Stan believed in a higher power or God, he answered, “Well, let me put it this way… [Pauses.] No, I’m not going to try to be clever. I really don’t know. I just don’t know.” (1)

    Since that is his most recent known public comment on religion, we’ll mark him down as agnostic.


    Stan Lee Politics

    Throughout his years Lee has expressed a like for left-leaning politics. Many of his Marvel Comics stories tackled hot topic issues like racism, drug use, feminism, and the black rights movement of the 1960s, but stayed away from outright endorsing a particular party or candidate’s stance on these issues.

    When he’s directly asked political questions, Lee tries to remain neutral…most of the time. “”Donald, look, you’re OK, but tone it down a bit,” he once said.

    If he’s asked why Stan Lee doesn’t run for the office of the President of the United States, Stan’s reply has been, “You’re not the first person to say that I would be the best President of the United States.” But even with people asking him to consider a run for office, Stan has said numerous times that he doesn’t have any aspirations for politics. (2)

    Based on these statements, we feel that Stan Lee is is a moderate liberal with a preference for the mainstream opinion.


    Stan Lee married Joan Boocock, a hat model and sometimes voice actress, in 1947. Joan had met Stan when the young man came to the modeling agency she worked at to pick up another blind date. When Stan met her it was love at first sight; he told Joan that he had been drawing her face for years.

    The two had a whirlwind romance even though Joan was a married woman. Joan’s marriage had been crumbling when she met Stan. Two weeks after their first meeting Joan and Stan were married in Reno, Nevada shortly after Joan received a divorce from the same judge that officiated her second marriage.

    The couple had two daughters: Joan Celia (J.C.) Lee, born 1950, and Jan Lee, born 1953. Sadly, baby Jan passed away three days after her birth.

    The Lees were married for nearly 70 years until Joan’s death at the age of 95 on July 6, 2017.



    1: AV Club

    2: The San Antonio Current


